🌿 Danu DL
CMM (2-27-48)
Chickweed, Motherwort and Mugwort.
This is the overall womans well tincture. Ennourages digestive juices and menstrual flow with ease. Eases cramps, calmes emotions and optimises hormones. Mother wort is also called a hug in a mug as it helps us balance our emotional needs and helps us to say No when we need to. Chickweed : good for joint pain and helps clear up rashes and skin imbalances.Caution: if you have a celery allergy this can't be taken!!! Or taken in conjunction with Antihistamines and antidepressants! Size 20 ml
These tinctures are not ment to be taken continuously for weeks or month at the time. Please ask timeframe when ordering.